Freedom Wine Fighter Tour Begins in Mid-March
Freedom Wines and Freedom Vignerons are Advancing Against Industrial Tyrants!
This is your chance to show your support. An unprecedented tour of America by freedom loving vignerons will start in Los Angeles on March 15th after an alleged ground-breaking tour of the Middle East.
Victory to Wild Yeast Fermentations, Natural Wine, Low Sulfur, Hand Harvesting and Delicious Wines!
The various tastings will include highly secretive trade tastings in each city. These tastings are only open to certified members of the wine trade. The public tastings will be open to most everyone, except professional provocateurs and apologists for too much sulfur. Firearms, either hidden or displayed, are banned at both public and non-public events. Hats are optional on both men and women.

Freedom fighters will include: Bera, Fonterenza, Occhipinti, Roagna, Radikon, Cascina degli Ulivi, Vergano, Monte dall'Ora, Montesecondo, Cascina Tavijn, Foradori, Quinta do Infantado, Terres Dorées, Franck Peillot, Domaine du Closel, Les Vins Contés, Matassa, Luneau-Papin, Desvignes, Alice and Olivier de Moor, René Mosse, Domaine de la Pépière, Franck Pascal, François Pinon, Eric Texier, Renardat-Fâche, Michel Tête, Hervé Villemade, Damien Coquelet, Causse Marines, François Cazin, Domaine Filliatreau, Jean Manciat and Domaine Bernard Baudry!
Rumors have Anderson Cooper appearing in North Carolina, but these rumors have yet to be totally confirmed.
Los Angeles
Tuesday, March 15
5:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Consumer Tasting - Domaine LA
6801 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90038
9 pm
Tuesday, March 15th, 6:00 pm
Public Event by Reservation
Lou or Maybe Somewhere Else
Will Know Soon
724 North Vine Street
Los Angeles, CA 90038
Wednesday, March 16th in Venice
11 to 5 pm
Trade Tasting – Farm Wine Imports
Call Farm Wines, Send us an e-mail, or use any connection you know
Thursday, March 17th Secretive Farm Wine Trade Event
San Francisco, 12 to 4 pm
Contact Keven Clancy or Jeff Vierra or someone else you know
Saturday, March 19 Big-Time Consumer Tasting Along with Chambers Street Wines
14h-18h $20 Minimum Charity Tasting for Haiti
Everything goes to Partners in Health
Chambers Street
City Hall New York
131 Duane Street
New York, NY 10013
Durham, North Carolina
Monday March 21
12h – 16h
Trade Tasting - Centerba Selections
Undisclosed Venue
Call Centerba, Damon, Kelly or Ken. Send us an e-mail, or use any connection you know
New York
Tuesday March 22
11h – 17h
Secretive Trade Tasting – David Bowler Wine
Chicago Trade Tasting
Wednesday March 23
12h – 16h
Trade Tasting – The Maverick Wine Company
Somewhere in the Windy City
Call Josefa Concannon, send us an e-mail, or use any connection you know
Chicago Public Tasting
Thursday March 24, 19h – 21h
Consumer Tasting – Wine Discount Center
1826 N Elston
Chicago, IL
There is a supplemental $25 charge at each tasting for handicap access to anyone with Brain Tumors. This sum will go to providing wheelchairs, Brain Tumor refreshments, specially trained personnel, costs and whatever is left to the Livestrong fund.