My colleagues are making millions of dollars and I house my living room television set in an armoire with the doors falling off.
I'm just an honest guy, trying to make an honest living, selling honest wines.
I'd earn a lot more money in the spoof market, but I'd have to go to The New York Wine Experience, be friendly to everyone in the Wine Industry, talk endless about product and brands, and accept phone calls from the Sopexa people who tell me they are now the official promoters of the Beaujolais and I better be nice to them if I want The Wine Spectator to review the 2006 Michel Tête Juliénas. The 2006 Michel Tête Juliénas has not been on the market for two years and the Sopexa is calling me for details about the market penetration of this wine!
This morning, I fell on 56th Street while trying to clean the droppings of my wonderful new dog Zaggy. Some guy valiantly offered to help me up. My suspicion is that he is not a member of the Wine Industry, but I didn't ask him.
MasterCard has a sentimental commercial about how their are things that money can't buy. Like your children, your spouse, and your wonderful in-laws (in France they call the in-laws the "beautiful family). But let me assure my readers, selling great wine made from great terroir by creative, hard working and militant peasant/vignerons is something that can't be beat. I'm proud of what I do, even if I will never have the money of the spoof merchants.
You can't have everything. I can't even lean down and pick up dog droppings because of the neurological/muscular damage I suffered on my right foot from my brain tumor. But between Buster and now Zaggy I have had two wonderful dogs, both of whom were mutts and who cost me only a token fee when they were rescued from Kennels. They were/are sometimes wild, crazy, badly trained and uncivilized. I didn't have the money to hire first-class trainers for these two pooches and I don't care.
We don't have any great brands or products that sell in millions of case.
Thank goodness.
Not to mention my son and daughter!